Whitworth Town Council

Annual Skyline Walk

This is a challenging walk of approximately 14 miles over varied terrain, starting from the registration point at Lobden Golf Club (OL12 8XJ) between 7.45am and 9am – your choice.  It is undertaken entirely at the walker’s own risk, and by entering you are accepting that you will stick to the official route. The organisers – Whitworth Sports Council – will provide you with written route instructions; and orange juice/water/plasters if required at every checkpoint; and vehicles may be available to remove you from the moor in the case of emergency.  There will also be a certificate and a hot meal available to you at the finish at Lobden Golf Club.  NB Orange juice: can we top up your bottle rather than dish out a cup each time?

*It is the walker’s responsibility to treat the moor, a working environment, with respect; to leave no litter on the route; and to wear appropriate clothing and carry appropriate kit. We suggest walking boots, though strong, securely tied, trainers will do if the weather is dry and has been for a while; spare socks; waterproofs, at least to carry, unless the day of the walk is guaranteed to be entirely dry; and at least one layer of clothing more than you expect, because it is nearly always cooler on the tops.  A phone would be handy too; and some plasters and (optimistically) sun-cream.  14 miles will probably take between 5 and 7 hours to walk, so we suggest you bring a packed lunch/something to eat, though the tbc refreshment van will be at Britannia. There are toilets at Britannia (5 miles) and Healey (12.5 miles).  

*There are 4 intermediate checkpoints, at (nominally) 2, 5, 8 and 11 miles.  All walkers MUST check in at each checkpoint, and if you should drop out at any of these intermediate checkpoints you MUST tell the marshal there and hand in your numbered tag.  Please do not drop out at any other point.  Two checkpoints are vehicle-accessible.  These are at 5 miles on the Whitworth/Bacup boundary on the A671 and 11 miles, at the bottom of Rooley Moor Road.  The checkpoints at 2 miles (Middle Hill) and 8 miles (top of Rooley Moor Road) are at remote locations, with no vehicle access, and you should not plan to drop out there.    *A cut-off will operate at the bottom of Rooley Moor Road checkpoint.  If you do not reach there (11 miles) by 2pm you MUST drop out there

*If 14 miles is too far for you, this year you can sign up for the Eastern Skyline only i.e. just the first 5 miles of Skyline, from Lobden to Britannia. In this case, you still get your pie and certificate, provided you get yourself back up to Lobden.  We cannot offer transport from these intermediate finish points.

*We regret that, as usual, we cannot have dogs on either of the walks. We cannot differentiate between the well-trained and others: it is still lambing season, there are ground-nesting birds, and stiles: we have concerns about dogs as hazards, dogs en masse, and dogs as a nuisance to non-dog walkers. So, no dogs, no exceptions, and, please, no attempts to bend the rule. 
 *Although there is car parking space at or near the golf club this will fill up quite rapidly if, as we hope, lots of people walk: if possible can you car-share up to Lobden; or get yourself dropped off/picked up later; or even warm up by walking up? 
*Entry fee - £tbc up to Thurs 15th, £tbc after that, including on the day.  (£tbc and £tbc for the Western Skyline; £tbc and £tbc for the Skyline Sunday Stroll.)  We're hoping that walkers will generously top up their entry fee as a donation to the reopening of Whitworth Leisure Centre.  Any monies left after expenses and a donation to Rossendale Mountain Rescue Team will go to Whitworth Sports Council.  If you wish to use Skyline to raise money for a favoured charity, feel free – and your certificate can act as proof of how far you’ve walked.
*Any queries, contact Jo Furtado (07813180748) – but NOT on the day, please.
We still have our free audio commentary, in which highlights from the valley’s heritage are linked to what you can see en route. Special flags will show where you can play a short numbered track from the audio as you walk – it’s not a stop-and-listen guided tour.  You can download the audio from May 3 via http://spoddenvalleyrevealed.wordpress.com/ - follow the links and instructions   Basically, see a flag – play the numbered track.  Any problems, please contact SVR project manager Diana@midpenninearts.org.uk  Whatever you do, don’t ring Jo.  And don’t forget your phone and headphones.    
COVID.  The walk will happen only if the organisers feel it will be safe, and fun.  There will be some Covid mitigations in place at start and finish.  PLEASE do not come to the walk if you have tested positive for Covid or have Covid-like symptoms. We’ll refund!




Skyline 10
Date: Sunday 18th May
Venue: Lobden Golf Club , Whitworth Rake, Whitworth, 19